This unit studies the policy context underpinning the processes for monitoring and reviewing social prescribing and the resulting support mechanisms available through effective social prescribing.

In doing so, this unit will explore which outcomes of social prescribing are measured, and how these can be measured, using performance indicators, amongst other forms of measurement.

The ability of social prescribing in decreasing social inequalities is also analysed, exploring how practitioners can ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills, utilising the Health Education England Person Centred Care Framework, so this process is as efficient and effective as possible.

After this unit, learners will:

  • Understand the evaluation process of social prescribing
  • Understand how the outcomes of social prescribing can be improved
  • Identify the policy context underpinning the monitoring and review of social prescribing
  • Explain how performance indicators can be used to measure outcomes
  • Describe methods used to measure the outcomes of social prescribing interventions
  • Analyse how to involve individuals in the monitoring and evaluation of social prescribing
  • Explain how the results of monitoring and feedback informs continuous quality improvement.
Key Takeaways
  • That the best/ most appropriate tools are not always the validated tools
  • Confident that our tool (living star) is really appropriate and works well
  • Encouraging use of tools
  • Ensuring tools are used with all clients
  • Looking into PAM
  • 3/6/9/12 months review calls
  • Learn more about our own tools by having opportunity to see other services tools – by comparing we can learn more about why we use it, what for and how it influences our outcomes
  • Chance to think about improvements to support our services to up use their resources. Whats working well and whats not.

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